German Standard 2m AFV Antenna Rod
armorscale Set No. S35-005
1:35th Scale

Review by Terry Ashley

The Set:
This set from armorscale provides 3 fine brass German AFV 2m antenna which was used on many German vehicles during WWII.

The set has three antenna in machined brass packaged in the usual zip lock plastic bag with support card and care is needed when handling the antenna as they are very easy to bend or damage if not careful with handling.

The antenna are superbly done with tapered antenna that are fine enough to not look over scale when fitted to any applicable vehicle with the only cleanup required before use is a very small bur on the base of the antenna which can easily be filed off taking care not to bend the antenna as mentioned above.

Dimensionally the actual 2m antenna equals 57.1mm in 1:35 and the brass antenna is all but spot on and any variation is in the fraction of a millimetre but there is no base to the antenna just the small locating pin which may look a little plain depending on the antenna base of the kit the antenna is fitted to.

Fitting the antenna to any kit may require a small hole drilled depending on the kit and test fitting the 2m antenna to the Dragon Panther G was simple as there was already a hole in the base for the separate kit antenna and it would be best to add the antenna after all building and painting has been done to limit the possibilities of damaging the thin antenna.

The three brass antenna included in the set

This is a simple antenna set for the standard German 2m vehicle antenna with very little cleanup needed and simple fitting to the target kit. The antenna is dimansionally accurate to with a fraction of a millimetre with nice taper on the antenna and looks good when fitted to the kit with the only reservation being the lack of base on the antenna.

Highly recommended 8/10.

As there are now three sets of brass German 2m AFV antenna available from Adlers Nest (set #ANM35008), armorscale (this set) and Lionmarc (set #LM6008) we will have a quick look to see how they shape up compared to each other.

Basically all are dimensionally accurate in length with the minor differences being fractions of a millimetre and would be very difficult to spot the differences in length even if using the different antenna on models in the same diorama.

The main difference is the Adlers Nest and Lionmarc antenna have a small base on the antenna while the armorscale antenna does not just having the small locating pin, this again is not that noticeable when the antenna are fitted to the kit.

The armorscale antenna is also fractionally thicker at the base that the other two but again we are talking minute differences here and for all intense and purposes either of the antenna will look good when fitted to any kit and basically availability and price would be the major deciding factors when choosing a set.

Comparison of the three available brass 2m AFV antenna
The differences in length look more than they actually are due to the magnified images

The three antenna fitted to the Dragon Panther G with any differences being so minor as to be hardly noticeable
apart from the armorscale antenna not having the small base as with the other two.

Adlers NestarmorscaleLionmarc

Thanks to Leo from LionMarc Model Designs for the review set.

Page created August 9, 2007