Amusing HobbyDMLTrumpeter
NeubauFahrzeug Nr.3-5
1:35 kit comparison
Amusing Hobby
Kit #35A003 - DML Kit #6690 - Trumpeter Kit #05529
Chapter 5: Main Turret
Page 2 of 2

Main Turret Pt.2:
Hatch close-up details, there are a couple of shallow pin marks to be removed from the Amusing hatch but it has considerably more detail on the inside than the other two kits. Also note only the Amusing kit has the rain channel over the hatch with this missing from the other two. Also note the Trumpeter hatch is too short by about 2mm as can be seen from the images below.
Amusing HobbyDMLTrumpeter
Overall views of the assembled turrets, note the alternate hatches provided in the Amusing kit with or without the visor as wartime references show one of the vehicles (No.8) was seen with the plain hatch as some stage (possible a replacement) and Amusing have included this as an option. Again note the Trumpeter hatches are too short in length which is quite apparent in the images.
Amusing HobbyDMLTrumpeter
Overhead views of the turrets, note the weld seams on the DML and Trumpeter roof but not on the Amusing roof. The Doyle plans show the welds as depicted on the DML turret while the Tankpower plans show then as per the Trumpeter kit, as no overhead photos showing the welds are available I can't comment any further at present. The most notable omissions are the vision slits in the DML sight posts and these will have to be added.
Amusing HobbyDMLTrumpeter

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Page created January 17, 2012

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