WW2 Productions
Panther Early Style
Track Set

1:35 Set No. 35006
Review by Terry Ashley

This track and detail set from WWII Productions is designed for any applicable Dragon, Italeri or Tamiya Panther kits. Cast in a light grey resin the set consists of approximately 220 track links. As with any resin parts a quick wash in soapy water before use to remove any residue is advisable.

The Track Links:
These have excellent detail but do have some fine resin film ‘flash’ on each link that needs to be cleaned off, this includes the cutout in the track guide, yes the holes in the guides are there. A sharp x-acto #11 is best to cleanup the links.

Again the big plus with these tracks is the simple click together assembly; each link has pins the same size so you simply slip on one pin and clip the other into place. It would be advisable not to clip and unclip the links as you will wear away the sides of the locating holes.

The Resin Bits
WW2 Productions
WW2 Productions
Assembled tracks around sprocket

The Instructions:
A double sided A4 page is included which includes general instructions as well as specific instructions for assembling the links.

Another excellent and well detailed set of track links for any of the Panther D kits available.
The simplicity of assembly is again noteworthy and will greatly improve the final appearance of the kits.

Page Created 14 September 2002

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